Last modification on Dec 27, 2022.

Terms of service#

By using the services of CLUB1, you agree to be bound by the following terms.

Evolution of the terms of services#

CLUB1 reserves the right to update and modify these conditions. In this case, CLUB1 informs the persons concerned by email if it can or by posting on the site.

A dated version history of this charter can be found on GitHub.

Access to services#

Some services are free to access, others require a membership account. The list of services and their access conditions are available on the page services.

CLUB1 provides its members with a shared personal space on the server. A member can be a natural or legal person. To become a member, you must pay the registration fee, the amount of which is indicated on the discover page.

The creation of a member account is subject to the prior approval of CLUB1 according to the available resources.


CLUB1 offers all of its services thanks to volunteers, therefore CLUB1 does not commit to any deadline for action. However, we try to do our best.

Secure transmission of credentials#

CLUB1 will never ask you for your passwords or passphrases.

Intervention in case of breakdown#

In the event of a breakdown and if no message on the status page certifies that CLUB1 is in the process of correcting the malfunction, a report is welcome.

If you are a member, as such, you have a share of responsibility for the proper functioning of the collective. If the service is unavailable or if your data is lost, it will therefore be a collective fault.

If unable to resolve a technical problem, CLUB1 may decide to close the service.

Responsibility of CLUB1#

Under no circumstances will a user be able to claim damages or indemnities resulting from technical problems of any nature whatsoever.

CLUB1 is subject to an obligation of means. In the event of a failure, CLUB1 cannot be held liable for consequential damages such as operating losses, commercial damage, loss of customers, turnover, profits or anticipated savings, or any other indirect damage.

Misuse of services#

The consumption of resources must respect the shared framework of our services. Any abuse may result in the termination of an account.

You must comply with the laws and regulations in force when using the services offered, whether in terms of respect for privacy, sending large quantities of emails, intellectual property, discriminatory remarks, hate speech, harassment, violation of people’s fundamental freedoms, etc.

In the event of prohibited use, CLUB1 may find itself obliged to trigger the total or partial suspension of the service, the withdrawal of content, or any other measure that the laws and regulations impose on it.

You must respect other users by showing civility and politeness. CLUB1 reserves the right to remove any content that appears irrelevant or contravenes these principles, at its sole discretion.

Furthermore, if a user abuses the service, for example by monopolizing shared machine resources, its content or access may be deleted, after warning and negotiation.

Future of services#

CLUB1 may also choose to discontinue services if CLUB1 considers that it is no longer able to provide said services. If CLUB1 has the possibility, the club will do its best to leave enough time to allow everyone to migrate peacefully.

Account Termination#

If you wish to terminate an account, you must notify CLUB1 by email at

Our commitments#

CLUB1 will only use your personal data for these 4 purposes:

  • provide the service for which you provided your data

  • produce any anonymized and aggregated statistics

  • notify you of a major change in the service (breakdown, notification of intrusion and data theft, change of interface, service shutdown date, etc.)

  • get your opinion on the services and action of the collective

CLUB1 will not transmit or resell your personal data. Your content belongs to you, however, we encourage you to publish it under a free license if it is relevant.

A modification of the previous paragraph, unlike the rest of the T&Cs, cannot be made by a simple notification. Should such a change occur, it:

  • would not be retroactive

  • Would require an explicit agreement from you to continue using the services provided by CLUB1

CHATONS Charter#

CLUB1 undertakes to respect the charter of the Collectif des Hébergeurs Alternatifs, Transparents, Ouverts, Neutres et Solidaires as part of its activity as a host and online service provider.

CLUB1 is a member of this collective.

Future of data#

Once the account is closed, CLUB1 can proceed to delete the data.

Open access services have a fixed data expiration, this to avoid overloading storage spaces.


You and CLUB1 undertake to comply with the regulations in force applicable to the processing of personal data and, in particular, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 applicable from May 25, 2018 , known as GDPR.